🇬🇧 If you seek this information in English, please scroll down.
Der Weststadt Fair-Teiler befindet sich auf dem Gelände der Hochschule für Kirchenmusik in der Hildastrasse 8.
Wenn ihr den Hof reingeht, gleich nach Kurve auf der linken Seite hinter Blechtüren auf der rechten Seite.
Wichtig: leise sein um die Anwohner nicht zu stören!
Die nebenstehenden Mülltonnen dürfen nur für Abfälle aus dem Fairteiler und Abfälle, die direkt bei Abholungen anfallen benutzt werden! Beachtet dabei auch die üblichen Müll-Regeln: Kartons kleinmachen, Müll trennen etc.
BITTE BEACHTEN! Was darf rein und was nicht?
KEINE KÜHLWAREN, Keine zubereiteten Speisen, überbackene Backwaren (Pizza, Käsebrezeln etc.), egal bei welcher Außentemperatur!
Und kein Alkohol, nicht mal Pralinen!!
Waren mit MHD dürfen weitergegeben werden und dann ungeöffnet auch in den Fairteiler gestellt werden. Auch wenn das MHD überschritten ist.
Waren mit überschrittenem Verbrauchsdatum hingegen sind von jeglicher Weitergabe gesetzlich ausgeschlossen. (Siehe dazu die Einzelheiten im Wiki: https://wiki.foodsharing.de/Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum_und_Verbrauchsdatum)
🇬🇧 - version:
The Weststadt Fairteiler is located on the campus of the Hochschule für Kirchenmusik, Hildastraße 8.
Go inside the courtyard and walk till the curve, you'll find the Fairteiler on the left side (the little compartment with the tin doors. Open the tin doors on the right side, on the left side are only cleaning supplies).
Important note: Please be as quiet als possible, the neighbours are not to be annoyed!
The bins next to the Fairteiler are only for rubbish from the Fairteiler. Please follow the rules of waste sorting:
- brown bin = biodegradable rubbish
- yellow bin = packaging (empty), except for paper, styropor, glass etc.
- blue = paper and cartonage (please save space and crush before throwing in the blue bin)
- black = everything else
- Please bring glass to the specific glass containers all over Heidelberg
PLEASE NOTE! What's allowed inside the Fairteiler, what's forbidden:
Allowed are all sorts of food (also animal food, if still closed), even if the best-before date has passed, execpt for the follwing list:
ABSOLUTELY NO FOODS, WHICH HAVE TO BE REFRIGERATED, no prepared food, which should be either kept warm oder be cooled and refrigerated as soon as possible, no foods topped with baked cheese (like Pizza), no matter the surroundig temperature. When the sun shines directly on the Fairteiler, it will become very warm inside, no matter if it's freezing outside! We can't control the temperature in the Fairteiler, so please follow these rules or the Fairteiler could be shout down by the city.
Please note: Sometimes foods don't need to be refrigerated, as long as they are not opened (for example, a bottle of ketchup). You can put these in the Fairteiler, if they are not opened. After they are opened, you can't put them in the Fairteiler, because then you have to refrigerate them.
You also are not allowed to put anything containig alcohol in the Fairteiler. Please check the boxes of filled chocolate before putting them in the fairteiler, since they often contain alcohol.
The above mentioned foods you cannot share in the Fairteiler, can be shared in the so-called "Essenskörbe" (food baskets). You can offer them and contact other people offering after registration on this website.
The foods and things you are never allowed to share, neither on the Essenskorb or Fairteiler are:
- non-food items (plants like herbs are allowed and can be put on the Fairteiler)
- medication and food supplements
- foods which have passed their "Verbrauchsdatum"